Episode 62 - Connecting Youth In Faith With Fr. Jose Diaz, Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry, Queens College

September 01, 2023 00:26:43
Episode 62 - Connecting Youth In Faith With Fr. Jose Diaz, Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry, Queens College
Big City Catholics Podcast
Episode 62 - Connecting Youth In Faith With Fr. Jose Diaz, Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry, Queens College

Sep 01 2023 | 00:26:43


Show Notes

Fr. Jose Diaz, Pastor at Mary's Nativity - St. Ann Parish, Flushing and Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry at Queens College, joins Bishop Brennan on this episode of Big City Catholics. They discuss the spirit of renewal and fellowship at the Catholic Newman Center of Queens College. Fr. Diaz shares the welcoming presence Focus ministries have brought to Queens as they walk with others in friendship with Jesus Christ. Bishop Brennan asks the Lord to bless the academic year ahead and allow our efforts combined with His transforming grace to touch the heart and souls of our students and families.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:10 Hello and welcome to another edition of Big City Catholics. I'm Bishop Robert Brennan, serving the Diocese of Brooklyn here in Brooklyn and in Queens, and co-hosting. With me today is Father Jose Diaz. Father Diaz is the pastor at Mary's Nativity Saint Anne, and also Chaplain and the Director of Campus Ministry over at Queens College at the Newman Center, Queens College. Father Jose, welcome back. Speaker 2 00:00:38 Thank you, Bishop. Speaker 1 00:00:39 I say, welcome back. We were together in January. Together, we went to the SEEK Conference for Focus and we had a great experience there, but we have some great fruits out of that end. So today gives us a chance to talk about those fruits. Speaker 2 00:00:52 Absolutely. Why don't Speaker 1 00:00:53 We begin with prayer? Sure. Speaker 2 00:00:55 And the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, we are grateful today for the gift of your life and us for the gift of your love. We ask your blessing upon us, as we seek you, as we discuss things of you and the things that you are doing in our diocese. Through each and everyone of our people, our faithful, our priests, our bishop, we ask you to continue the good works that we are doing through the grace of your Holy Spirit. Be with us, inspire us, and lead us in all things that what we do may be for Your glory. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Speaker 1 00:01:30 Amen. Speaker 2 00:01:31 The name Speaker 1 00:01:31 Of the Father, the Son of the Holy Spirit. Amen. So, again, welcome back to Big City Catholics. So the good news that we have coming out of the C Conference is that we, we've given four missionaries here and you've begun your work, your priestly work there on campus. And we've hired a campus minister. So we are doing big things over at Queens College. Speaker 2 00:01:53 Yes. I've spent the last few weeks on campus just visiting almost every day. Getting to know the staff, the people who's who. It's exciting. And I think just the buzz on campus, the people and staff seeing like, wait a minute, there's something going on over there. What's happening at the Newman Center? And I've had some staff come up to me, students come up to me and just say, wow, this is incredible, father, this is something new that we're doing here. You know, just that spirit of renewal that that I think the people, especially after the last few years away, you know, in many ways people just don't even know anymore because they're just not around. You know what happened with Covid? So it's exciting and I think it, it's felt on Speaker 1 00:02:33 Campus, and you're right. I mean, COVID really took its toll on us in so many ways. Queens College being one of them. Because really in a school like Queens College, a commuter school mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it became more and more you go in for what you have to do and you get right out. Things are starting to get back to Evil Keel there. And we had a priest there who did a great job. Father Jeremy. Jeremy Speaker 2 00:02:53 Mcna. Speaker 1 00:02:54 Yes. Um, but he was commuting from Breezy Point and really was only there to be there for a couple of hours. Right. A week. What we're doing now is we're bringing the whole team in. So this is correct, something brand new, but I'd like to start off by saying thanks to Father Jeremy, he did an amazing job, given all the challenges he had and all the things he had to carry, Speaker 2 00:03:16 I think that's part of the buzz. It was like, wait a minute, what? Where's Father Jeremy? And it's like, oh, well, you know, we're gonna be doing something a little different at the center now. And Father Jeremy has gotten a new assignment. I actually explained that to some people today who were asking for him. I think there's a, a really beautiful spirit of gratitude. You know, last week we had a farewell lunch for Father Jeremy. And I was blown away by the amount of people that came. Not only just the people and staff that came, the president of the college was there, <laugh>, he gave a whole speech. So it was, it was really nice to see that the college understands the importance of the work of the Catholic church on campus in particular with gratitude to the work that father Jeremy did on campus. Speaker 1 00:03:56 You see the impact that one man, one priest, one good priest, one holy priest made mm-hmm. <affirmative> with limited time giving to him. He really touched a lot of lives and made a difference. Speaker 2 00:04:07 And I'm the beneficiary of that. Right. You see, people have been very nice to me. People have been very open with me and loving. And I say, you know what, thank you Father Jeremy. Yeah. Mean, last time I saw him, I said him. Thank you. Yeah. Right. 'cause you've made it easier for me. He Speaker 1 00:04:21 Built those relationships. Right. And that puts us in a good place. So now what we wanna do is take what he's handed on to us, bringing more people in Speaker 2 00:04:29 And build on Speaker 1 00:04:30 It, building on it, building on it. Sure. So let's talk about some of the things that we're building on. So Speaker 2 00:04:36 The way it works at Queens College is that the college is active mostly Monday through Thursday, Fridays and Saturday and Sunday. It's pretty, we actually visited the campus those days. There's not that many students on campus. So Monday to Thursdays where the clubs are active, where there's things going on on campus where the students obviously are in class. And we wanted to take advantage of those four days. So we're open all four days from morning to evening right now from 10 to five. And we hope to expand the hours as needed. But those are the hours. Now we have masks Monday to Thursday, 12:30 PM and it's, it's a real blessing. Today we had masks with the students, it was really nice. And by one 20 they were all gone. So masks was started at 1230. We're done by one, they were chitchatting and you can like clockwork. By 1 21, 22, they were all Speaker 1 00:05:25 Out the door. That's when things started up again, the classes, well, Speaker 2 00:05:27 Because they all have class, uh, one 40. So they want to get on their way, get to class, do whatever they need to do beforehand. But mass is important for them. That's the point. Yeah. You know, that's the point. Mass is important. And I think that there's a real appreciation for that. In fact, before I began this year, there, the students were, were calling me already like, Hey father, are we having mass more often? <laugh>, yes. So it's, there's a real openness to that. And I think it's, it's gonna bear fruit throughout the Speaker 1 00:05:56 Year. Oh, I agree. I agree wholeheartedly. Especially as people know more and more that you're doing it. Queens has an interesting setup. Right. Is it, uh, is it two days a week or one day a week that there's a dedicated time for student activity? Speaker 2 00:06:09 Yes. Mondays and Wednesdays, from 1210 to one 30 across campus, there's a complete break. No classes. So that's why we, those two days, especially masses at 1230, the other two days we'll play with it and see if students respond at that time. But at least Monday and Wednesday for sure, students are off that time and they're more than welcome and do come to mass. If you're part of a club respectively, they most likely will have something in that hour or some type of event. They'll try to do things in that hour. But I think that's the hour that most students will come to mass and want to. And Speaker 1 00:06:42 Isn't it beautiful that that's built into the schedule? For sure. And secondly that we have space. Again, we have to give thanks to the people who came before us. At one point the diocese invested in the building of Yes. The student union. And so we have space that's been dedicated. So to Catholic campus Ministry. Speaker 2 00:07:00 We've been there for a long time. Almost 50 years I would say. So. Um, Speaker 1 00:07:05 So again, yeah. Thanks to the people who came before us. People who had some vision. Right. And some hopes. Right. And creativity. Yeah. 'cause now we're reaping the fruits of that. And we are going to be investing ourselves now with people with ministers. Last January we were in St. Louis for the SEEK conference and we were really there. Something as guests. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, observers. We were there for an official reason. We had all these meetings because we were looking for this possibility to develop. But now it actually came forward. We got word in the spring that we would be getting. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> focus missionaries. And they've arrived. So can you tell us a little bit about the focus missionaries? Speaker 2 00:07:43 Oh, I'm grateful <laugh>, to say the least. They've been here for a few weeks already. And we've met a few times. We've gone out to eat. We've tried to really enjoy some fellowship. Wow. What a wonderful team. Not only that, I'll tell you what somebody told me after they met them. Person came to me and said, father, I have to spend time with them. I said, why? He said, I don't understand why these people are taking a few years of their life to serve in the way they're serving. I don't get it. And I was like, you should talk to them <laugh>. They're in love with Jesus <laugh>. That's why. Right. Because they love the Lord. And they really feel a strong call in their heart to spread that message of love. That message that has really changed their life. And so it's interesting to see people even from the outside who have met these missionaries and are just like, wow. You know, that's really the energy that they bring. They bring just this positive, beautiful, welcoming presence that speaks and cries out. God is real. Right. And it's amazing. And I'm very, very grateful. Speaker 1 00:08:45 And when you look at what focus is, I've gotten familiar with focus over the years. I had experience with them on Long Island. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I had experience with them in Columbus, Ohio, and now thrilled to have experience with them here in Queens. It's really all about friendship. Their own friendship. Each of our friendship with Jesus Christ. And then walking with other people in friendship. It's not proselytizing. It's not banging anybody over their head with anything. It's not fighting any culture. It's all about the joy of friendship with Jesus Christ. And so the method of focus is really just to out there. 42. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:22 Acts 2 42. Speaker 1 00:09:23 Just to be out there. Speaker 2 00:09:24 This fellowship, I think there's a very strong commitment to fellowship and that's manifested in different ways. Whether it's sharing a meal together, praying together. Right. Attending liturgy together, conferences, retreats, whatever it may be. But that's definitely the heart of what they do. And it really struck me because I remember early on having a conversation with them and just hearing them speak about what they're doing. And I'm like, okay, so you're going to have people over where you live for like breakfast and maybe dinner or or lunch. However it is, you're gonna invite people into your life. You know, so most people, you go to church on Sunday, it's something you do. But these people are literally investing themselves into this and allowing people into their home and breaking bread with them. That is Christianity at its essence. You know? It's incredible. I think that has really made an impact on the people they've met so far. Speaker 2 00:10:16 Right. And on me as well. I was like, wow. So this is incredible. You know? And, and it's something I wanna maybe try to emulate in my parish. Yes. When I was a kid, Bishop at my parish, blessed the sacrament in Jackson Heights. They used to do something so simple after mass downstairs it would be coffee and bread, bread and butter. And there would be a long line. And something as simple as that. People got to know each other. That's right. You know, whether they're just online, they got to say, Hey, what's your name? Oh wow, you're from here. What? Oh, I live up the block from you. How about we get together and share me one of these days? I mean, wow. You know? Exactly. That's the hope. So Speaker 1 00:10:49 It's the unity with each other. All of us unified with, yes. And they're not campus ministers. I mean they do ministry, but they depend on campus ministry being in place. And we've also Yep. Brought in a new campus minister. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:11:03 Yes. Omar Cortez u our campus. Speaker 1 00:11:05 He has some experience here in the diocese of Brooklyn in Queens. He served at, uh, he Speaker 2 00:11:10 Was the director of religious education at D R E at St. Leo's Parish. He's been a catechist for many years there. Built the program up, which is one of the reasons I thought we could work together, because he just built, in a sense, after Covid rebuilt the religious education program at St. Leo. And I said, you know, there's a project that's happening now where I think it's gonna be something great and I think this is gonna be a wonderful opportunity to do something beautiful. Yeah. And so going back to that same thing that he's experienced before is building something. I said, you know, why don't you come work with us? And that way we can link the college and my parish marriage activity Saint Mary. That's right. You know, with the youth and the young adults. We're all in Bishop <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:47 Yeah. I appreciate it. That was my hope when I asked you to take on that parish that I could see that there would be a link there and we could do some really good things together. So you have a campus ministry component. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you have the missionary. So really just go out mm-hmm. <affirmative> and build fellowship, build friendship. Correct. Speaker 2 00:12:03 So you have the center, right? Let's say you come on one day, you're on Queens College, you want to go to the Student union building Room 2 0 7. It's the second floor. You'll see when you go to the second floor Catholic Newman Center. You walk in there. What should you expect? You should expect Omar. Omar should be there when he says hello to you. You'll also realize there's a bunch of snacks. I can have <laugh> Speaker 1 00:12:23 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:12:23 You can also have some coffee. You can also have some tea. Do you want some water? We have some water. So like it's a space where you can come and enjoy just the presence of the people there. If you need to study, you can sit an area that's designated to study. If you want to hang out with other students, there's an area to hang out with other students. If you wanna learn a little bit more about your faith, come by and we'll lead you in either a discussion, a Bible study, or even thanks to marriage activity. Saint Ann formed <laugh>. You know, we have formed that. We'll be using also with the students to get them in that spirit of what is the catholicity like? What is that spirit of Catholicism like? So I think it, it's a really good space, you know? And it's a space where people can be themselves. Now Speaker 1 00:13:07 I'm going back years and years, but when I was a student at St. John's mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that was my experience. You take a university like St. John's, like Queens College, that's just huge. It's big. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's so many people. And my day, St. John's was a commuter school, just like queens. And essentially you had to find a niche, your home, away from home. Speaker 2 00:13:26 Absolutely. Uh, you Speaker 1 00:13:27 Know, I remember beginning there and just kind of wondering about, yeah, okay, I'll spend some time in the library. I spent some time in Lac Hall. I would go to daily Mass, but it was only to be there a while that I became involved. It was sort of a connection with some of the classes I was taking. And there was an office and it was became the place where I would meet up with my friends, where I could do some studying, where I could grab a bite. And you need that in a campus like Queens College. And if that connects with your faith, if that connects with who you are and how you live your life, that can make a big difference. Speaker 2 00:13:59 100%. I think it's necessary. Especially within that age group, right? Yeah. That that's why are you in a college? Why are you even doing this? What's the point of campus ministry? Whoa, wait a minute. College ages. Those existential questions are, they weigh on you <laugh>. Yeah. Because you really thinking about your future. Why am I here? What am I doing here? And then you ask them, have you ever considered what the Lord is calling you to? What is your vocation? Oh, what is a vocation? So what do you mean? What are we doing here? Answering questions like that. What is the Lord calling you to live in your life? Or how is he calling you to live in your life? Right. And what is that calling? What is that vocation? So it's little things all the way from little things to the big things, the existential questions, the why am I here? What am I doing here? Is God real? You know, what is this all about? Where are we headed? I think that's important in that college age to answer. Because you're also forming yourself for the rest of your life. That's right. So of course that's why we're there, right? Because young people need hope. They need to be told, I believe in you. Right. Right. Because the Lord believes in them. Right. And so I think that it's a great way to echo that for them. And Speaker 1 00:15:06 For those who been growing up in the faith, a lot of the students who graduate from our high schools, for example mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who had religious experience all the way through. Right. They're over there. Right. Right. Here in our students in Queens College, you start to feel isolated. You say, is there anybody else who believes what I believe? Is there any truth to what I believe? Or maybe sometimes just questions. I've always done this, but why? Speaker 2 00:15:31 Yeah. I think college is, it's interesting, right? You just got back from World Youth Day a few weeks ago. That's right. So that definitely is one of those questions, is there anybody that believes like I do? Yes. Speaker 1 00:15:41 <laugh>, there's millions. Yeah. Like a million and half gathered right there in that one city. Right? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:15:45 So, you know, that's so uplifting. But I think on a very immediate and local level, that is a very, very true sentiment. Right? Because I'll tell you this, I've felt like that. You see, so it's not something that it's like, oh, just those who might not go to church or those who actually might go to church and might be looking for some community. I would say across the board, there's that man. Is there anybody that believes? Is there somebody that's maybe on that same path? And I think so. So a place like the Newman Center is the perfect place for you to really be acknowledged, right? Because that's really what it is to be acknowledged and to experience fellowship. And that is what helps us along the journey. We need to surround ourselves with people who believe in us and also who believe like us. That's important because if not, then we're just gonna fall by the wayside. I used to go to retreats with 300 youth in the Charismatic Center in the Bronx. And how many would come back after weeks or months? Not so many because they kind of got back into it with the same friends. The same thing. So you need a support system Speaker 1 00:16:50 And an ongoing, regular support system that melds into your life. That's part of your life. It's not a place that you have to go elsewhere, but it's right there where you're going to school every day. It's, and the other thing is, it's a place just to stop and say prayer too. Yep. Right? You have a chapel. Speaker 2 00:17:05 We have a chapel, which is beautiful. So again, you walk into the center, you'll see Omar, you can have snacks, you can have a cup of coffee, you can have maybe a drink, enjoy some videos or maybe join the, if we have a FIFA tournament, you want to play FIFA with friends, whatever. But the most important thing is that there is a Chap Chapman and Jesus is present there. That's right. That's the most beautiful part. Speaker 1 00:17:26 We have a tabernacle Tabernacle's there, plus the sacrament is there. Speaker 2 00:17:29 Unless the sacrament's Speaker 1 00:17:29 There, maybe that's what you need is just a, a moment in the day. Say Hi guys, don't wanna get too involved. I just wanna say a prayer. Speaker 2 00:17:36 And that's what I told the students who were there today, guys, this is your home away from home. Right. If you need to pray, you can come by. If you need to laugh, you can come by. If you need to cry, you can come by. If you need a confession heard, you can come by. We're here to serve you and most of all to love you. Right. One of the things that I like about focus is that they have the model of win, build and send. So they win them over by their love and they build them up to who God is calling them to be. And then they send them on the way. And that's something so powerful. It's so powerful. And they can experience that there within that fellowship. And I think it's gonna be something, uh, great. Speaker 1 00:18:12 I think we're off to a great start. We have Omar, we have four ministers. Yeah. They come from all over the country. Yes. It's ended colleges all over the country. One of them I think went to Liberty like an online, but then got involved in a local campus. The two women have served in other places. Yes. So they bring experience from theirs and two men who were both new. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:18:31 <affirmative>, they're both new. The two women come from Temple and George Mason. So we have Katie who's a team leader. Right. Uh, Lucero. Lucero is also an experienced missionary. And she was in Temple. Katie was in George Mason. Then you have the guys who are first time, right? Speaker 1 00:18:44 Andrew Speaker 2 00:18:45 And Greg. Andrew and Greg. Yeah. Good guys. It's been a blast. Bishop. It's been a, Speaker 1 00:18:49 It's been a blast. We had the chance to earlier in the week to uh, well I had the chance to meet them, but we had the chance to be together on Sunday evening. And it was amazing showing off Brooklyn. We were down in the Dumbo area, we had some pizza down there, and then we walked around over, you know, by the Brooklyn Bridge. Things that we see all the time, all the time and just take for granted and just to see it through their eyes. But boy, in the month that they've been here on their own, they've really acclimated themselves to New York, haven't they? Speaker 2 00:19:15 I think Andrew knows where to get better sandwiches for breakfast than I do at this point. <laugh>, he, he's like the bacon, egg and cheese to New York. Staples Bishop, when I tell you he is hunting down the perfect bacon, egg and cheese. I am not kidding. <laugh>. And he's like, have you tried this place? Have you tried this place? Have you tried this place? So Speaker 1 00:19:34 The only thing is he wants it on a bagel. I I I used to eat it on a roll. Yeah, I Speaker 2 00:19:37 Get it. The Kaiser rolls. I get it. The bacon, egg and cheese on the roll. That's, that's what I order. They have really taken serious their assignment. Yeah. They really have. I have to say that. And really just investing themselves into the city, right. Trying to understand the culture and the people. It's amazing to see and to be able to share with them my own experiences as a New Yorker, it's a good thing. And actually I think the dynamic between focus and Omar is really something that is meant to work that way. Omar is a New Yorker, born and raised from Corona, from St. Leo, part of the youth group. His upbringing is very different from a focus kind of experience. And so it's good that you have someone like Omar that can be grounded in the New York reality and the New York experience and then say, look what we have to offer. I really think it's amazing. So working together with focus. So yeah. Speaker 1 00:20:28 So by the way I, another word of appreciation, the Catholic Foundation stepped up Absolutely. And came forward with the grant and really helped to make this possible. And so I'm so grateful to the foundation itself and to all of our folks here in Queens and Brooklyn who contribute to the work of the foundation because this is one of the great fruits of the work that they do and the investments that they make. But this is like a piece of our campus ministries. One of the things I'm proud of is we have campus ministry really throughout, throughout the diocese. We have different size campuses, but really for a chance of renewal, we wanted to take one large place. Speaker 2 00:21:11 Right. And being that we have the center, yeah. There, you know, we Speaker 1 00:21:14 Wanted to step into Queens College and it was something too that this is very different from what focus usually does, but I think they recognize that New York is its own kind of a place. Right. And usually they're involved in, uh, residential campuses, correct. State, yeah. States colleges. But, but here we are in the Borough of Queens, there's the residence hall and it brings in people from all over, but most people are pretty local. So this is something new and different for them. But this is a piece of a larger campus ministry project that exists here and serves the people of Brooklyn and Queens and the students who come this way. So grateful for all of those who have worked and continue to work in campus ministry. We look forward to being able to share with one another some of the different works that are going on in the ministry for Queens. You can't say it often enough. Why don't you give me these specifics? Where can somebody find both really and right virtually Speaker 2 00:22:11 Queens College is right off the l i e on Kassana Boulevard. It's actually interesting that it's like an actual campus. You don't really see that too much. No. In the city you have St. Jones University and they have that, but they're private. They're not a CUNY school. Right. Being the a CUNY school like this, they have an actual campus. You can walk around or you remember the Quad Bishop. Yes. With a view of the beautiful, with Speaker 1 00:22:32 The view of Speaker 2 00:22:32 The skyline. The skyline of the, of Manhattan. It's incredible. So you can make your way there. The buses in the area are like the Q 27. You can come by, you can also more easily Google Queens College Newman Center and the first like three links that come up. But the first link in particular is the link for the program. Because the way it works is you have to go through the university to get into the website. So you want to just Google it, press on that link and it'll take you straight to the information where the hours that were open every day, 10 to five right now, mass at 1230. And then we'll be updating for the Bible studies that we'll be beginning and any other presentations that we want to do and events that we'll have. Speaker 1 00:23:10 And you'll find it in the Student Union building. Speaker 2 00:23:12 Student Union building. Yes. Room 2 0 7. Room 2 0 7. Queens College. Yeah. Queens College is one of, I think only two CUNY colleges that have a student union building. This is why in every way, this is like a new experiment in a sense, but we have the space and it's one of the few colleges that have a building dedicated to the students. A student union building. So you can find it, it's on the corner of the property and room 2 0 7. And you'll find us there. Speaker 1 00:23:38 Well, thanks for your good work. Thanks for welcoming our new team and we look forward to a great year together. I look forward to being there. I'm gonna be there for the mass of the Holy Spirit. Yep. On Speaker 2 00:23:49 September 18th, 1230 pm Speaker 1 00:23:51 12:30 PM Yep. And one of the points of this podcast is really just to share what's going on. And there are podcasts that are more reflective and probably for sure a little more intellectually engaging. But this for me is a chance just to share with the people in Brooklyn and Queens, all the great things that are happening around here. And this is one of those great things. Speaker 2 00:24:11 Absolutely. When I was in seminary, I remember Father Peter Cameron, a Dominican priest, great preacher, and great man of God. He was our homiletics professor. These two words resonate in my heart every single day that he would not let go of. And he would always tell us, Christianity is a lived experience, period. It's a lived experience. We have to have moments like this bishop, where we share about what we're experiencing, what we're living, what we're doing as a church. Because if not, then how are we gonna see or know what's going on? Christianity is a lived experience personally and in fellowship, in community. So I think, I hope, and I'm excited and I, and I believe that the Lord is gonna do something beautiful on campus this year, but I hope that the people listening can pray for us. Right. They can pray for us and can even pass by if you want. You know, if you're, pray for Speaker 1 00:25:00 Us, pray with Speaker 2 00:25:01 Us, pray with us however, Speaker 1 00:25:03 And share the good news. Yeah. 'cause I bet you know, if you're listening, I bet you know somebody who's studying at Queen's College. Speaker 2 00:25:10 Exactly. And that's actually one of the things we need to work on. It's getting ourselves out there. I think 99% of the students that I spoke with did not know there was a Catholic Newman Center. So we've really, our work this year is walking with people, letting them know we're here, that we love them, that most of all, and most importantly, that Jesus loves them and that we're here for. And that way they in turn can take that lived experience and hand it on. So that's my prayer for our year. Speaker 1 00:25:41 Thank you Father Diaz. And thanks for listening in on, uh, another edition of Big City Catholics. We look forward to being with you again next week. In the meantime, let's ask God to bless us on this work. We're about to start a new academic year, so students are returning to school everywhere at every level. Pastoral activities are beginning anew. So let's ask the Lord to bless the year ahead, that hopefully our efforts combined with his transforming grace will touch the hearts and souls of so many people. The Lord be with you and with your spirit. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he look upon you with kindness and grant you as peace and may Almighty God bless you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless you, and enjoy the week.

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