Episode 58 - World Youth Day 2023

August 04, 2023 00:25:20
Episode 58 - World Youth Day 2023
Big City Catholics Podcast
Episode 58 - World Youth Day 2023

Aug 04 2023 | 00:25:20


Show Notes

Bishop Brennan hosts this episode of Big City Catholics from Lisbon, Portugal as he has traveled along with young pilgrims of Brooklyn and Queens to celebrate World Youth Day. He speaks with them as they share their diverse experiences and unite together in faith to answer God's call.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:10 Welcome to another edition of Big City CapEx. I'm Bishop Robert ndi, edition of the Diocese of Brooklyn. I joined with our young people from Brooklyn and Queens in sending greetings to you from Lisbon, Portugal during the celebration of World Youth Day. We look forward to welcoming our Holy Father and then to spending time with him this weekend, where together we seek to encounter Jesus Christ. One of the great traditions of World Youth Day is the gathering of the American pilgrims, which we celebrated during the weekend, which gave me the opportunity to sit with some of our own pilgrims along the way. It gives me great pleasure to share some of those conversations with you. Why don't we begin with the prayer? This is a prayer of St. Augustine, given to us by one of the bishops who was leading what we call the Rise up sessions, the preparatory sessions, which were dialogues between the bishops and the young people in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Spirit. Speaker 1 00:01:03 Amen. Breathe in me a Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may be all holy act in me, holy Spirit, that my work too may be holy, draw my heart a Holy Spirit that I love. But what is holy? Strengthen me. Oh, holy Spirit, to defend all that is, holy God. Me, then, oh, holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. So, I'm here with a few of our pilgrims, but these pilgrims are playing a special part because the team traveling with Father Dwayne Davis from St. Thomas Aquinas, our lady helped with Christians in St. Patrick's, we're called upon to lead the animation at the Catechetical sessions in Lisbon. And so during World Youth Day. So we're gonna have a chance to talk about that a little bit. I'm talking right now with Raje, and before you came into Lisbon, you made a little bit of a pilgrimage. Tell me about your pilgrimage experience. Speaker 2 00:02:03 Yeah, so, um, we stopped in Spain and Barcelona as a central point, and we kind of did different holy sites. So we went to the La Grata, the Grata Familia. We went to Montserrat, we went to the Basilica in the middle of the city. And those have all been impactful places for us. I think when you look at the grata, all you have to wonder is whose mind is that work? And you have to recognize that that's God working through people and architecture's a way to give glory to God. Right? So my find that to be important and Montserrat is, is extremely special for me because as I'm going to enter into society in 17 days, that's where Ignatius laid down and sword. And I could see why that's a very special place. When I, when I got off the train, the first thing I said was, this is a holy site. And you could feel it. And when you look over the mountains, you could see it. So it is just been, it just been a wonderful experience all around. Speaker 1 00:02:49 Well, congratulations to you on answering God's call of entering the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits discerning his call and giving yourself just like Saint Ignatius did centuries ago. And now we're here in Lisbon, and this morning we had the first of our catechetical sessions. They're not really called Catechetical sessions. Every World Youth Theater, there's always been a catechetical component. Three days of preparation where the bishops did some teaching. This year it's a little bit different. The idea is more of a dialogue and for the bishops to be able to listen. You were the Em mc today. I Speaker 2 00:03:20 Was the master of ceremonies today. Yes, yes. That was a phenomenal experience. So the way we start, the way we start off that experience is the same way we start everything in life. We give glory to God. So we did some praise and some worship, and then we kind of get in, we did some praise and some worship, some prayer. Then we kind of get into our sessions. The reason why this is special is because young people are the one giving the talks right. To other young people. And then after that, we have a moment to kind of reflect upon what that young person said and how that talk impact them, not only in their Catholic fate, but also in their own country, in their own region. How does this look different? And so today we talked about the ecology and we know it's, we know that this is something dear to Pope Francis' heart. Speaker 2 00:03:58 And it was a very, very special moment. We had people from the diocese of Brooklyn and Queens. We had people from India, we had people from the Philippines, had some French programs and some Canadian programs, and there's all different things happening. Um, but it was absolutely wonderful. When they come into the church, everybody kind of look confused. The question is, am I at the right place? And then when they sit down, it's like, you wouldn't really recognize that we don't know each other, that we, we are not really friends, but we, we are in Christ in that way. So it's a very, very, very, very powerful thing. And then the bishop presents, the bishop goes around, he listens and we have a, we have a chance to ask him questions and we dialogue in that way. And these are sincere questions from the heart. And he answers sincerely. And he's not necessarily talking at you, but he's talking with you. And that's powerful. Not every day we get to encounter our shepherd. So that's phenomenal. Speaker 1 00:04:44 That's great. That really is great. And it was both a privilege and a little bit of a challenge to do the mc work. Speaker 2 00:04:50 Most, most definitely. As us young people like to say, you have to keep the vibes up <laugh>. When, when you have good people, it's not a problem. And today we had great, great, great, great people. So they helped me the same way they say that I helped them. So it was phenomenal the Speaker 1 00:05:03 Way. That's good. And you'll be doing witness talk later in the week. I Speaker 2 00:05:05 Will be doing a talk on Mercy on Friday, correct? Correct. Speaker 1 00:05:08 Good. Very good. What are you looking forward to now in the days to come? Speaker 2 00:05:12 I'm really just looking forward to fellowship with people. I'm getting a sense of the church, universal an encounter. I think every time you talk about World Day, someone encounters something, I think that's what World Day is. It's all about encounters. And I'm, I'm waiting for mine to come some seed to be planted that could fester up Inroom. And the second thing is, I think World Youth Days, just where you complain about, um, young adults or, or teenagers or you know, where there's no faith and stuff like that. I think that's where world days is where that comes to die. You have people that are full of joy and people want to know Christ. And you cannot doubt that here, that the joy is overwhelming. Speaker 1 00:05:46 That's one of the things I always say about World Youth Day is sometimes we made you feel like we're isolated in what we believe and what we practice. And yet quite the opposite. When you come to something like this and see a million, a million and a half people with that same enthusiasm, not just just believing, but really on fire with it. Fire. Speaker 2 00:06:03 Even today, uh, we stopped for dinner and we're just walking by the shopping center and we just all start breaking out in songs. Here I am Lord, just people coming off the train. That's not something you get every day. And that's the young energy, that's young people energy. So we get to make the church ours for this week, and we will do that Gladly Speaker 1 00:06:22 <laugh>. There's a lot of young energy going on around here. Exactly. It makes me feel young. <laugh>. Thank you, Rahe. We'll, thank you. Ate we'll be talking. We've been traveling together for the last couple of weeks. We have between the, uh, Congress down in Maryland and a lady of Mount Carmel. And now, uh, you're in Speaker 2 00:06:36 Lisbon. You're in Lisbon. You can't get rid of me. Bishop <laugh> Speaker 1 00:06:39 <laugh>. Oh no. We're gonna keep a close, uh, eye on you when you go with the Jesuits. We're so proud of you. Thank you Speaker 2 00:06:44 Very much. Thank you you Mr. I appreciate it. I appreciate it so much. Speaker 1 00:06:48 Renee is part of the team from St. Thomas Aquinas, and you'll be serving as a lector on Friday morning for the mass. Speaker 3 00:06:55 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yes, I will. And I'm looking forward to it. Speaker 1 00:06:57 And Roge tells me, as you were coming forward, Roge told me that you are an international educator. Yes. Tell me, what does that mean? Speaker 3 00:07:05 So I teach at international schools, so, uh, I have an opportunity to live in different parts of the world. And right now I'm teaching at an American school in Mexico in re Mexico. So it's such an opportunity for me to immerse myself in a different culture, kind of get outta my comfort zone, learn so much about myself, about other cultures, and it's been a really enriching experience for me. So that is so Speaker 1 00:07:27 Incredibly interesting. Speaker 3 00:07:28 Yes. Speaker 1 00:07:29 Oh, I'm really <laugh> really impressed. I'm really impressed. Thank you. Thank you. And this is not your first World Youth day? Speaker 3 00:07:35 No, this is my third. I I was at the World Youth Day in Spain. Okay. Speaker 1 00:07:39 I was there in Speaker 3 00:07:40 And in Poland as well. And Speaker 1 00:07:41 In Poland, yes. I was at those two myself. Yes. Those were exciting. They were Speaker 3 00:07:44 Amazing. They were great. They're Speaker 1 00:07:46 Incredible. Poland seems to have been the kind that where people used to pilgrimage is, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Spain was hot, Speaker 3 00:07:52 It was very hot, you know. But there's a reason that I keep coming back. Speaker 1 00:07:56 There is a reason <laugh>, there's a reason. Well, you tell me your reason. Speaker 3 00:08:00 I think it's safe to say that it's hard. <laugh>. It is. It's hard. It's grueling. It's physically, it's tiring. But there's something so beautiful about everyone being able to come together and support each other. Right. I've been on that walk to the campsite where people are starting to get tired and then the fellow programs are singing and they're supporting each other and they're helping each other carry things and they're lifting each other up. And I really love that, that relationship that builds from all these people, from all walks of life, from all different backgrounds, from so many different perspectives coming together to support each other, to connect with each other and to share in their love of God and their desire to deepen their faith. It's always been a wonderful opportunity for me to kind of disconnect from daily life, which can be so full of distractions and to really focus on where I am in my relationship with God, where I am in my journey of faith. And to be able to share that with others and to learn from others as well. And that's a really special opportunity that I think everyone should take. Speaker 1 00:09:00 That is, well, I guess we have about a million and a half people who did it this time around <laugh> and, and we have a great contingent from Brooklyn and Queens. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. We have about 600 plus from Brooklyn. And Queens, like you say, they keep coming back. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we have new generations just keep coming back. And so glad you're here. Your experience really has been a full pilgrimage as well. So you started in Spain and worked your way down. What stood out for you? Speaker 3 00:09:25 I would say that the international rosary at Fatima was the moment that stands out to me most readily. The coming together, the saying of the rosary in all these different languages. And everyone was participating in their own language, but in unison. Right. And I feel like that's really symbolic of that togetherness. And it was such an incredible experience to see Lucia's house and to see the sights where the blessed mother appeared to walk that same path. I think sometimes we forget that the saints were people like us. They are people to like, to admire, to, to use it as an example in our own lives about how we can live out our lives in Christ. And I think just being able to kind of walk those same paths, it was a reminder to me that it's possible that I even know it's difficult, that when things are difficult, when it's hard to live out the faith when we're struggling and we're having those moments that are tough, that there are people to look to who are just like us, who went through those kind of journeys and are now an example for us in ways to like live our lives in a Christ-like way. Speaker 3 00:10:32 That's Speaker 1 00:10:33 Beautiful. That, that that really is. And it is. It's, it's so good to see people on online, like here, just so alive with their faith. Mm-hmm. You've been to other world youth days. Mm-hmm. And there's usually an American gathering somewhere and it's in some kind of a hall and it's, it's nice. Yes, yes. But wow, this place is fully alive, isn't it? Speaker 3 00:10:49 It's incredible. It's incredible. Also the fact that there's also other countries here too. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:10:54 Yes. Everybody's making their way, everyone's Speaker 3 00:10:56 Here. And I, I love that. I love that energy. I love the excitement that people have to see each other and interact. It's funny Speaker 1 00:11:01 Going back to Fatima, but you were saying before, sometimes pilgrims get tired along the way. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I think I had reached that point last evening, <laugh>, and yet when we did that mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that rosary, I just really Yes, we reenergized. Speaker 3 00:11:13 Yes. It really reinvigorates you, right? Because you're connected, you're connected to something larger than yourself and that is such a powerful moment. Speaker 1 00:11:20 So now in the fall you'll be heading back to Mexico. Yes. And new semester there. New Speaker 3 00:11:24 Semester, new Speaker 1 00:11:25 Year. A little bit. Reinvigorated yourself by this experience. Speaker 3 00:11:27 Uh, definitely something I was looking forward to all year. We've been preparing this whole time full spiritually and just in general kind of getting to know each other more. I love the bonds that are forming within our group and this has been a really amazing experience so far. I'm really looking forward to the campsite with the Pope. Speaker 1 00:11:44 Thank you Renee, so much. Thank, thank you. Enjoy the rest of this pilgrimage. Speaker 3 00:11:47 Thank you so much. Speaker 1 00:11:49 So Greg, in contrast to Renee's experience, this is your first World youth take. Yep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So tell me what inspired you to come on World Youth Take, Speaker 4 00:11:56 Well, first off, I'm just, you know, so happy to be here. And really it was all, it was all Father Dwayne knowing that he's been here so many times as well as the other people in my group, as well as knowing kids in my group my whole entire life. Either from school or from church. So just being comfortable with the, with the group almost, and knowing that this is the place to go. If you wanna get closer to God and you wanna know how to get closer to God, this is the place to be. And just knowing that there's also so many kids in the same position as me, same age as me going to be here. I just thought it'd be so, so much fun from a spiritual standpoint and also a social standpoint, just meeting all these people from different cultures. It's amazing. I love to learn about different people and different cultures and how they live in different countries Speaker 1 00:12:39 Now. You just graduated from where? Speaker 4 00:12:42 I just graduated from St. John's University in May studying actuarial science. I was working as an actuary in Manhattan right now. And coming from college, kind of losing my faith a little bit, not losing it, but diminishing it over time, really coming here just brings me back full circle as where I need to be as a Catholic, where I need to be right now. And coming to this event just has helped that, you know, helped my, helped my faith so far and in so many ways. And it's only been a couple days. Speaker 1 00:13:08 Good, good, good. Tell me about your trip here along the way. You made a pilgrimage, you stopped in other places. What are some of the experiences that stand out for Speaker 4 00:13:15 You? Some places that stand out to me, I think Renee and Raja also said this was Montserrat. Coming from a Jesuit high school, Xavier High School in Manhattan, learning about these places such as Montserrat firsthand is absolutely amazing. And I'm sure my religion teachers would be proud of me is amazing. Coming there and seeing the actual spots that we were learning about all through high school. And you obviously don't really understand the importance at the time, but when you're there and see how sacred it is, it really stands out to you. And I wish I could bring my family one day. So that place also, Fatima, just being in the big square with all the people, seeing how sacred and holy that place is, I've probably never been in a, a holier place than that. And like Renee said too, seeing where our Lady of Fatima appeared to the three children. Learning about that in school as well, just the culmination of kind of my whole high school experience, my whole college experience, learning about these things and then coming here after I graduated. So that's been an amazing experience Speaker 1 00:14:09 For me. It was a beautiful experience, just seeing all the devotion and being able to walk in that procession with the candle lights. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> was really Speaker 4 00:14:16 Very good. That's something I've never been a part of before. I was amazing by Speaker 1 00:14:19 Another contrast where from the, uh, sacred place of Fatima where there was such reflection and quiet and prayer, we're at a huge party. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:14:28 Yeah. We need this though, because I feel like we had a lot of all-nighters and you might think like, we must be so tired, and don't get me wrong, we are. But things like this, things like last night, they really rejuvenate the soul and you don't feel tired and you wake up and you have a blast. And this really brings the best out of everybody. Everybody needs this kind of social activity to go on because Jesus was social, you know, Jesus, you got talk to everybody. And I feel like he would love this right now. A big party worshiping him. I feel like he would absolutely Speaker 1 00:14:56 Love this. I think you're exactly, exactly right. And there's more to come. So again, this is your first time, so you're looking forward to making that walk on, uh, Saturday to the vigil and to the mass with the Pope. Speaker 4 00:15:06 That's one of the reasons I came to World Youth Day. But I can go back home and brag to my, my parents and my family that I saw the Pope in person and attended his mass. So that, that is gonna be an amazing experience, that I feel like God really brought me here for that. And to connect with the people in my group, connect with people over the world. I feel like I'm here for a specific reason. And listening to Bishop Gavin's homily today, he asked you to pray and asked the Lord what does he expect out of us? What does he want out of us to, you know, fulfill his will, fulfill his mission? How can we do that? And that's why I've been wondering these past couple months after graduating, what is the best way, you know, in my job or in my life, that I could support the Lord and, and do about his will. So hearing not only what you have to ask the Lord, but how you're gonna do it here at Will doth day is awesome. Speaker 1 00:15:53 That's great. How you going to do it? And seeing other people doing the same thing, integrating it into their life. You had some kind of monastic experiences, but that's not what faith is all about. That's a big part of it. But really it's taking what we experience when we pray and bringing into real life into everyday life. And that's what you see with everybody here. So this is an experience of the church being gathered, the church universal. Uh, how has that affected you? Yeah, Speaker 4 00:16:19 It's, it's honestly really crazy to see so many people of the Catholic church come together because it really makes you see outside of the box and the bigger picture of everything. It's not just you, you have your struggles, but every single person here has had those struggles as well. And no one has struggled and suffer as much as Jesus Christ. So seeing that in person, seeing how many people are here for the same thing, it goes beyond you, your church, your diocese, your country. It really just goes beyond the scope of anything. And it's really hard to recreate or reimagine unless you're here right now. And I really support anybody's decision going on World Youth Day next time around. I feel like it, it would be remarkable to anybody no matter who you are. I feel like this could touch your heart. I Speaker 1 00:16:58 Mean, you talked about encountering this encounter within your group itself. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's the encounter, you guys are animators and the encounter that you have with the people in a smaller setting and then this huge setting where you just walk up to strangers. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:17:11 I love doing that. Father Dwayne told me in the beginning of the trip, he saw me that I go up to a random stranger and he said, oh, Greg, you're not gonna have any problems, uh, making friends. And I said, definitely not. I love just going up to different people, especially from different countries. It's just so crazy to me. We just saw some guy from Great Britain and I told Raja, I was like, I have to go up to this guy. I have to talk to him. He's like, go, go. So I just went up to him, had a conversation, and everybody here is so willing to talk to you. I, I feel like in Brooklyn and New York, no one is willing to talk to you, especially just in the middle of the street. Understandably so. But here it's just an outcry of joy and everybody willing to have a full conversation with you, even if they don't speak the same language as you. We're still trying to understand each other, other, and we're still trying to make that connection with each other. So it's really cool. Speaker 1 00:17:53 Well, I wanna wish you a great pilgrimage. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Thanks. I appreciate it. Thanks. Taking the time to chat with me. Tom comes from St. Patrick Parish and we had the chance to chat, um, last night a little bit at dinner, but we had met each other at a, at an islander game, right? Yes, Speaker 5 00:18:08 Yes, Bishop. So I, I remember when I was with my dad, I got food and I come back and you're with my father <laugh> Speaker 1 00:18:16 Found me Speaker 5 00:18:17 Columbus food jackets, so Speaker 1 00:18:19 That's right. Yeah, that's right. My, my old territory, uh, Islanders were playing Columbus, so, uh, and I, if I remember right, the Islander is fine. Yes, yes. That's good. Thankfully. Are you a Big Islander fan? Speaker 5 00:18:31 Yes. Yeah. My dad just, you know, he, he dropped the ranges a few years ago. He, he loves the Islanders. Uh, I don't follow too much, but you know, I, I love going to the games. I love the fan base and Speaker 1 00:18:40 Good. It is exciting. It is an exciting game. Speaking of exciting, tell me, what are your thoughts today at this, uh, huge party? I Speaker 5 00:18:47 Am amazed. This is by far one of the best events I've ever been to in my life. I love meeting people from, not only from around the country back in the States, but just from around the world. It's filled with people today, but even on the streets, going up to people, talking to them, we're all different, but we all share one thing in common and that's our faith and that's what's most important. Speaker 1 00:19:08 How true is that? How true is that? That's it, yes. And you did a witness talk today? Yes. As part of the animation team. Tell me about that. Speaker 5 00:19:17 Uh, it was very nice. So this morning I did a witness talk about ecological integrity. Speaker 1 00:19:23 And why were you asked to do ecological integrity? Speaker 5 00:19:26 Well, I was asked, and I'm actually an environmental studies major down at Loyola University of New Orleans. That's right. I'm also just on the side. I, I'm an environmentalist. I care for the environment and it's just something I'm very passionate about. Speaker 1 00:19:39 So tell me, what did you talk about today? Speaker 5 00:19:41 So I just talked about how you can intertwine faith in the environment and why caring for creation is so important, especially for us. Catholics good for everyone, but especially for us Catholics. Speaker 1 00:19:52 That's great. That's, that really is, you know, Pope Francis is bringing home, but it's actually been part of the Catholic tradition. I remember growing up the sister's telling us about, you know, not wasting and yes, of course, things like that. So That's great. How did it feel to give witness to people from all over the world? Speaker 5 00:20:07 I did feel something because, you know, it was a small group, but we had people from Brooklyn, we had people from India, we had people from Montreal, Quebec. The list goes on. But it was definitely very heartwarming and it allowed me just to open myself up to people who I've never known at all, and to just share something I'm passionate about and something that's so important to not only the world, but also sharing my faith and relating my faith to it. Speaker 1 00:20:37 Now have you ever been to, uh, world Youth Day before? Speaker 5 00:20:39 I have not. This is my first one. My siblings have, my dad has a, a few times before. Speaker 1 00:20:43 It's a lot of work, isn't it? A lot of Speaker 5 00:20:45 Work and very exhausting, but all for a good Speaker 1 00:20:47 Purpose. All for a good purpose. And we, some of the best is yet to come, right? Yes. Speaker 6 00:20:52 I'm looking forward to the overnight. Yeah. Uh, I hear many good things about that. Speaker 1 00:20:56 Yeah, you walk a long distance. A lot of hard work too, right? Yes, there's a lot of hard work, but then as big as this is tonight, our gathering is, uh, the us there like a million and a half people all out through the night. Pretty exciting, very exciting. And, and then being with the Holy Father, being with of Francis, of Speaker 5 00:21:13 Course. And then, and, and it's an honor to be in his presence even though he's not here now, he's still in the city and I'm really looking forward to his mass and his. Speaker 1 00:21:23 Very good. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much, Tom. Thank you. And enjoy the rest of your pilgrims. Thank you so much. Speaker 6 00:21:28 Thank you so much, Speaker 1 00:21:29 Richard. On the morning after the US gathering, I had a chance to catch up with Thomas again and to reflect on the experience. When I was meeting with the pilgrims before we were in a atmosphere of celebration, there was a lot of music activities, really like one big party. But then we came together and got very, very serious. We prayed together, we listened to the words of Bishop Barron and to the witness of one of the Dominican sisters. It was a very powerful moment. I wanted to hear from you, Tom, what your experience was like. Uh, when we actually came together to pray. Speaker 6 00:22:09 Yes. So during this whole ceremony, it was very, very sentimental. It was very beautiful. I'll say that. It really started to hit me when they were pro. They were processing with the blessed sacrament when we were all kneeling. I had a heavy feeling in my chest, but it was a good feeling and it was a good feeling of being overwhelmed just by the overall connectedness and vast amounts of love that we all shared together. And just before that, I was talking to people from the Cook Islands in New Zealand, halfway around the world, and yet we're both kneeling, both praying together, both celebrating Jesus and Jesus' life and the Holy Spirit with us. Speaker 1 00:22:52 One of the things, and I love this about being Catholic, I've experienced it before, but we can be really raucous at time, having a great time, enjoying each other's company, celebrating, and then there comes a moment when the silence just fills the air, right? Yes. That when the Blessed s Sacrament comes out with Jesus is among us in a unique way through the mm-hmm. <affirmative> Eucharist, everybody just quiets down falls to their knees. And I just find that so amazing. Speaker 6 00:23:20 Yes, I do too. And I, you know, we have all these different cultures and being from New York, we see it every day and being here, well do day, we see even more of it, and we're all doing our own things. But yet at the end of the day, like you said, we all share one thing in common and that's our faith. And that's the beautiful thing about being a Catholic, is that no matter where you go around the world, you always find people who share common beliefs. And it's almost like we're one big family, which Speaker 1 00:23:46 We are. Exactly. And so we gather now again for the Rise Up session. Yes. And you're part of the Brooklyn team is actually leading us in the animation. And so we have a chance now to reflect on the theme of social friendships. So I'm gonna let you go so that you can join your group as we share our experiences with one another around the country and around the world. That's perfect. Thank you, Bishop. Thank you, Tom. I think you'd agree that we can all be proud of our pilgrims, all of them. They are so impressive over here in Lisbon, and they really are entering into these days with great sincerity, with great joy, and great openness to the encounter with our Lord. Please continue to pray for us along the way that we may open our hearts and minds and experience that closeness to the Lord. I look forward to sharing more experiences of this pilgrimage with you, reflecting on our pilgrimage to Fatima and our experience at the Mass and vigil with the Holy Father. Until then, thanks for joining us and let's ask God's blessing. The Lord be with you. And with your spirit, may the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit come upon you and your families and remain with you forever endeavor. Amen. God bless you. Please join us next week for a new edition of Big City Catholics.

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